Anxious Patients & Sedation Dentistry Options

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At Mount Pearl Dental, we understand that some patients can be anxious about visiting the dentist, so it is our priority to make you feel at ease by offering some sedation options.

We offer a range of sedation services include nitrous oxide (laughing gas) as well as oral sedation to help you relax before or during your dentist appointment.

Are you afraid of the dentist?

Fear is one of the biggest reasons people avoid the dentist. Even people who visit the dentist regularly, still feel anxious about their dental visit.  If you experience anxiety, your dentist may recommend sedation services.

Are sedation services right for me?

You may be a candidate for sedation if anxiety is preventing you from visiting the dentist for any type of visit. If you would like a sedation service at your next appointment, please speak with our team to discuss your options.

Nitrous Oxide

Also known as laughing gas, Nitrous Oxide is an inhaled gas that is available to anxious patients. The gas levels can easily be adjusted to fit your needs for your appointment.

This type of sedation is administered to relax the patient before dental work starts. Since it does not relieve pain an anesthetic is also administered.

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Oral Sedation

Oral sedation is an oral sedative that we can prescribe for you to take before your dental procedure. It takes about 15-20 minutes to take effect and can help make your anxiety a little more manageable.

This type of sedation can also be combined with nitrous oxide also known as laughing gas, to provide another option for managing your fear of the dentist. 

Oral sedation is a safe and effective way to help you feel a little more comfortable before your dental procedure or oral surgery.

If you dentist agrees that sedation is right for you, we do ask that someone drives you home after taking oral sedation.

Anxious Patients, Sedation, Mount Pearl Dentist

Come and visit us for the friendly & relaxed Mount Pearl Dental experience today!

(709) 364-3663